Keep your silnylon outdoor gear in top condition with the Gear Aid Tenacious Tape - Silnylon Patches. Designed for effective repairs, these patches come in a convenient 7cm x 12cm size, perfect for addressing rips and tears in your camping, hiking, and other outdoor gear. Made with durable, waterproof material, this repair tape offers a long-lasting fix that can withstand the elements.
When lightweight fabrics rip or tear, quickly patch it up with Gear Aid's Tenacious Tape Silnylon Patches. Made from strong, ripstop nylon and backed with a silicone-based adhesive, apply these peel-and-stick repair patches on Silnylon tents, tarps, backpacks, and stuff sacks. This repair kit includes two 7cm x 12cm sheer patches that permanently bond to any silicone-treated fabric. Like all Tenacious Tape, these patches are washable and weatherproof for repairs that last. Now it’s easier than ever to fix torn, ultralight gear with the mess-free Tenacious Tape Silnylon Patches.
Tenacious Tape Silnylon Patches are ideal for both DIY and emergency gear repairs. Their strong adhesive ensures a secure bond to silnylon fabrics, creating a reliable barrier against water and wear. Whether you're fixing a tear in your tent, patching up a rip in your hiking gear, or reinforcing any other silnylon equipment, this tape provides a flexible and effective solution.
These patches are designed to be both durable and adaptable, making them an essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts who need quick and reliable repairs. The tape’s all-weather capability means it performs well in various conditions, maintaining the integrity and functionality of your gear.
With Gear Aid Tenacious Tape - Silnylon Patches - 7cm x 12cm, you can easily maintain and extend the life of your outdoor equipment. The tape blends seamlessly with your gear, ensuring that repairs are not only functional but also visually unobtrusive. Keep a roll of Tenacious Tape in your gear kit to handle unexpected damage and keep your outdoor adventures uninterrupted.
Product Description
When lightweight fabrics rip or tear, quickly patch it up with Gear Aid’s Tenacious Tape Silnylon Patches. Made from strong, ripstop nylon and backed with a silicone-based adhesive, apply these peel-and-stick repair patches on Silnylon tents, tarps, backpacks, and stuff sacks. This repair kit includes two 7cm x 12cm sheer patches that permanently bond to any silicone-treated fabric. Like all Tenacious Tape, these patches are washable and weatherproof for repairs that last. Now it’s easier than ever to fix torn, ultralight gear with the mess-free Tenacious Tape Silnylon Patches.
- Peel-and-Stick – No sewing skills or heat required; simply cut to desired size, remove backing and apply to surface with pressure
- Durable – Silicone-based adhesive permanently bonds to outdoor fabrics including silnylon, silpoly nylon, and vinyl (only silicone sticks to silicone)
- Compatible – Made of ripstop nylon that’s sheer enough to match virtually any fabric color that may rip or tear in the field
- Washable & Weatherproof – Sealed with a waterproof silicone coating to withstand the washing machine or Mother Nature
- Multipurpose – Repair all types of outdoor gear including tents, tarps, hammocks, sleeping bags, inflatable sleeping pads, backpacks, dry sacks, and stuff sacks
Fix torn, ultralight gear
Made from strong, ripstop nylon and backed with a silicone-based adhesive
Easy to use
Washable and weatherproof
Product Specifications:
Material: 40D siliconized ripstop nylon
Color: Sheer
Size: 7cm x 12cm
Application: Peel and stick
Adheres to: Silicone-treated fabrics, silnylon, silpoly, nylon, polyester, fleece, vinyl, rubber, non-oiled leather
Application temperature: Room temperature
Removable: No
Washable: Yes
Storage: Store in a bag
Weight: 50 gsm
What’s in the box:
Gear Aid Tenacious Tape – Silnylon Patches – 7cm x 12cm x 2